Now nothing I’ve read in the CQC handbook states we can’t have one of these policies. In fact in these days of regulation it seems to me to be sensible to have a policy to protect your staff and team from people who might not be all they seem.

So here is my ‘Professional Visitors’ policy. Feel free to use it if you wish.

I’m embracing this need for policies totally. I think my next one will be ‘Instructions for Sitting the correct way up on a toilet’.

Thackeray Dental Care Professional Visitor Policy

This policy is written to ensure the safety of all members of the public, employees and Professional visitors to Thackeray Dental Care. It takes into account the confidentiality policy, the Child and Vulnerable Adults Protection policy, the relevant Health and Safety legislation, and the Health and Social Care act.


Employee – those members of the Public employed at Thackeray Dental Care
Public – members of the public who may or may not be patients of the practice.
Professional Visitors – employees or members of regulatory bodies such as the Primary Care Trust, Care Quality Commission, H&S Executive, Inland Revenue or such that have a legislative right of entry to the premises.

• The Professional visitor will identify themselves to Reception upon arrival.
• Identification documents will be produced by the visitor for verification by the Practice Manager. Evidence of recent eCRB will need to be provided if the visitor is wishing to interview employees or patients/public in accordance with the Practice Protection policy. A copy of this policy is available if requested.
• The identification of the Visitor may need to be confirmed by the superiors of the Visitor. If this confirmation is not possible for any reason, the visit will be terminated immediately and rescheduled at such a time as the confirmation is forthcoming.
• Once the identity has been verified of the visitor, the practice manager will brief the Professional visitor as to this policy.
• Video and/or sound recording of the visit will be used in order to protect the Employees, the Principal, and the Visitor from any legal challenges resulting from the visit. The visit will only proceed once consent is obtained from the visitor for this to occur.
• Video, picture and sound recording will remain the property of Thackeray Dental Care, and in accordance with the data protection act will not be shared with any third party to the visit. The data will remain on record indefinitely.
• If an eCRB certification valid within the last 3 months is available, then the visitor will be allowed to interview both employees and members of the public without being accompanied by the Practice Manager. If the eCRB is more than 3 months old, or there is no evidence of an eCRB being available, then the visitor will be allowed access to employees and public only if accompanied by an eCRB checked member of Thackeray Dental Care.
• No patients will be cancelled in order to accommodate the Visitor. Patient care is the prime concern of Thackeray Dental Care, and under no circumstances will patient care be compromised.
• If the visitor wishes to interview Employees or members of the public, and has the relevant eCRB, the visitor will conduct themselves professionally, courteously, and with complete respect for the person they are interviewing. The interviewee will be informed beforehand that if they in any way perceive they are feeling threatened or uncomfortable then they are able to cease the interview immediately.
• If a member of the public or an employee do feel that there is any discourtesy, or they feel threatened/vulnerable in any way, the visit will be terminated immediately and the visitor will be escorted from the premises. The video evidence will be reviewed, and made available to the visitor and their superiors.
• The visitor will retain a professional, polite, and courteous manner at all times within the practice.
• Copies of this signed document will be given to the Visitor, and kept on file at Thackeray Dental Care.

I confirm that I have read the above visitors policy and understood the content of the document. I understand that video, sound or photographic recording will be made, and after a period

Signed…………………………………… Visitor

Signed…………………………………… On Behalf of Thackeray DentalCare


30th March 2011



Dear Sir/Madam.


Re: BT BroadBand line 01623 xxxxxx


I am writing to you to inform you of my displeasure, annoyance, irritation, and quite frankly loss of my very will to live due to the debacle of the above phone line and its Internet connection.


Over the last few weeks we have suffered at best a variable connection with the modern world and have attempted on now countless occasions to get you to remedy the fault.


Unfortunately due to the fact that I cant really send a missive of the entire sorry affair as they had only 5000 boxes of paper in stock at Staples, and I obviously can’t send emails because ‘me got no Internet’, I shall have to outline the story briefly.


We have a connection that drops the internet more times a day than a drunk drops his keys after a night drinking IrnBru and Scotch with meths chasers. Despite numerous phone calls by myself, and my manager, which probably now amount to an entire working day spent waiting to tell another call centre operative the whole story, plus a bit, we have not yet experienced the level of care expected of a large company as yours. And we still haven’t got a reliable internet connection.


If I might compare the experience to a very painful swelling in a very tender place, which as a medical professional I think I might, then this experience has been like having a pilonidal wart lanced (go look it up).


We are currently struggling with the existing line whilst a new line becomes active. Whereupon we will have to change all our settings for the weekend to the new line, because someone at BT thought we wanted a new line, new account, and new agreement so issued us new access. Apparently this will all be rectified on Monday morning with all the old account information being updated to the new line, whereupon we with then have to reconfigure it all again, but given the comedic process so far, rather than get this right, it is more likely that Lord Lucan will turn up on Monday, on the Marie Celeste with Glenn Miller playing mood music in the ships’ bar.


Perhaps you can give this letter to someone in customer service with opposable thumbs in order that they can draft a suitable reply. I’m also sending this letter to a few other people, just to see if they might care more than you do. I’ve got nothing to lose and nothing better to do, since I can’t amuse myself on the internet at the moment.


Oh, and you could send some money to a charity of my choice for the inconvenience we’ve suffered. Might I suggest Bridge2Aid, a dental charity. You can probably donate online, but you’ll probably need to do it from an internet café if your connection is BT.


Yours sincerely,



Simon Thackeray


Basically I had a raft of emails earlier in the year from Infection control at my PCT saying they were coming to audit our readiness for HTM01-05.

What with me being big on common courtesy and all that old fashioned stuff, and also undergoing a decontamination room refit I told them that I would allow them access when the new facility was up and running.

This wasnt acceptable to them initially, and they wanted to come when we had a temporary facility in place. So I categorically refused them access to the practice until after the install. I discussed it with some knowledgeable people, and they agreed with me.

The visit was cancelled until this week when our facility was fully running.

At this point a little background is necessary to perhaps explain my stance with the PCT. Back in 2004 a senior dental member of the PCT stood in my surgery and stated that if I went private  he would see that a dental access centre staffed with an imported workforce would open next to me and shut me down. I have never seen my associate so angry (I was speechless which is rare) and thought there was going to be bloodshed. So I have an attitude of absolute and utter distrust stemming from this. Prior to this I was going to work within the new system, but this persons attitude singularly changed my mind for ever. I have also had my contract breached on 2 occasions by the PCT when they have stopped payments without asking permission or issuing breach notices. They have apologised on both occasions and rectified matters.

So, If anyone from the PCT is to have a professional relationship with me then they HAVE to earn my respect from the beginning.

I spoke to Infection control, and explained that I would allow an inital visit informally on the following terms.

There was to be no HTM01-05 Audit performed by them. They have until December to check I comply, so we will arrange a time when that will occur. I have already done it and they were free to look at my results. I would not participate in a tickbox exercise just so they could say they’ve done my audit.
There would be 1 1/2hr for the visit over lunchtime (not the 3hrs I was told the visit would take) as I will not cancel patients for this, and it would be informal at this stage.
No patients would be allowed to be observed – they are private adults and therefore I will not allow their confidentiality to be breached.
At this visit it was not their place to criticise or suggest any issues. They were there to observe only. Until I have trust in their knowledge and authority, nothing they suggest will be acted upon.
I would not allow them to place my pregnant practice manager under any stress or interview/question her without my presence – she is a very consciencious worker but a worrier, gives 110%, has an amazing eye for detail, but at that point was struggling with the succession planning, and I was worried about her.

(I may appear arrogant to some taking this stance, but I have had so many issues to deal with I now let them know exactly what kind of situation they are going to experience, and agree it beforehand.)

This was all agreed and witnessed by my PM, and they also suggested that the Dental Advisor attend too, to which I was more than happy to agree as it was someone I have enormous respect for.

So we had the visit Wednesday lunchtime 12.40. Straight into my surgery with the PM in tow (she was happy to take her lunch a bit later). I reiterated my stance that anything suggested would not in any way shape of form be acted upon.

Within the first 5 minute we had an argument about handwashing, and that I was wrong to classify the paper towels I dried my hands on as clinical waste. Look, if something’s touched human skin, body tissue and is in a clinical zone, then I reckon I want to treat it as clinical waste. Better safe than sorry. And the Dental Advisor was happy with this protocol too.

We then had a tissue rolled up and wiping the skirting boards, picture frames and door frames, whilst I was having a friendly discussion with the Dental Advisor. I should have called a halt at this point, but thought I’ve nothing to hide so let it carry on.

On to the Decontamination room, and further issues were pointed out by Infection Control, discussed (nearly arguing), and when we referred to HTM01-05 found I was right (the Dental Advisor agreed with me). And apparently we are not allowed a fridge in the room even on the clean side, or storage for any materials. I’ve yet to find this in HTM but if its there I will.

But the bit that made me incandescent was yet to come. We all went downstairs to finish off, and to check the OPT room. Infection Control  then asked to see the various policies (which had already been seen upstairs) and some waste consignment notes. At this point my PM said she’d go through them up in my surgery as it would only take a few minutes, and then she’d get some lunch. This was about 1.40pm.

I had patient at 2pm and after chatting happily and informally with the Dental Advisor we went up to see if they had finished at 2pm. They were still looking at the bits and bobs of paperwork so I suggested they went in the staff room for 5mins.

My 2pm pt was for 1hr. I surfaced after 3pm to be confronted by a stressed PM who basically had a go at me for dropping her in it. They had only just left! Every document under the sun had been asked for, the audit had been done behind my back, and the PM had had to run up and downstairs constantly to fetch the documents (she’s pregnant don’t forget!), but some were not to hand as she is working on the succession training for our acting PM and they were on a different computer. Apparently there were some ‘that’ll be a no then’ comments made. So by now I’ve got a stressed knackered hungry Pregnant PM through no fault of my own, who’s not had a break for god knows how long. Incidentally, None of this stress was from the dental advisor, just Infection control.

Basically the very things I had stipulated were not to happen had, and that my reasons for the distrust had again been confirmed. Not only that, there was a definite lack of pragmatism being employed with HTM0105, and potentially a lack of understanding of the document itself.

I wasn’t able to speak to the person concerned, straight to voicemail.

I followed it up with a very strongly worded email demanding action by noon the following day. The action was to be an apology for this breach of trust, the return of the audit for destruction, and an apology to my PM (she is too polite in these situations to have called a halt for some sustenance!). I then stipulated that there would be no access allowed ever again to anyone from the PCT in a professional capacity other than the Dental advisor who came.

A worried Dental contract manager rang at 8.45 saying it wasn’t her dept, but she would try to sort something out. No response at all then from the PCT. Until another email by me at 11.15 reminding them they had 45 minutes left to respond.

11.58 – Phone call from a senior department assistant director who had apparently been unceremoniously dragged out of a meeting to ring. We agreed to talk today at 1pm.

And todays phone conversion was with someone I can have respect for at the PCT. The matter is still under investigation, and I am happy not to make a formal complaint.I Did however give them a few more home truths about HTM, dentistry in general, and we had a good bit of banter and a laugh. We have now both an image of Prions flying around the decontamination room like performing fleas, jumping 6ft from clean to dirty, cupboard to cupboard with lives and families all of their own.

So alls well again.

Well, I arrived at the venue 2 hours early for the first day of the Invisalign accreditation course! 17 years of
Orthodontic experience is about to be added to with this technology. Invisalign in Mansfield is coming to Thackeray Dental Care!

About you:

You are passionate about dentistry and have a commitment to providing excellent clinical care to your patients.

You are an excellent communicator and understand that a fantastic patient experience is as important as the clinical care provided.

You enjoy spending time with your patients and motivating them.

You are focused on prevention and believe that educating and empowering patients is equally as important as the clinical experience.

You empathise with your patients and understand that some need more TLC than others.

You enjoy working as part of a small close knit team

About us:

We enjoy caring for the individual needs of our very appreciative private patients.

We believe that it is important that you have mentoring support.

We provide all our team with excellent remuneration.

We focus on brilliant customer service.

We believe that team training and your individual CPD is very important.

We love what we do!

We are looking for a highly motivated enthusiastic dentist to join a special dental practice in Mansfield, Notts. The post is initially for 2 days, Tuesdays and Fridays. Thackeray Dental Care is an award winning practice which focuses on personal service delivered with kindness and compassion, and a sense of humour. You will have the opportunity to earn an excellent income ethically and have the clinical freedom to work to the highest standards supported by an exceptional team. We are BDA Good Practice (Silver) and Investors in People (Bronze). Please email Simon Thackeray ( or ring us on 01623 629359 to discuss this post in more detail.

The Team were nominated in the new Mansfield Enterprise Awards in the category Best Team recently. We are happy to announce that we were awarded Highly Commended so this is a further accolade this year for us.

We’ve had the final report from the Investor in People assessor and are really happy with the comments, and the Bronze Award has been confirmed, making us one of the first organisations in the region to get a Bronze at the first attempt.

We are also undergoing the re-acreditation for our 10th consecutive year of BDA Good Practice membership, and were one of the first practices in the country to be awarded the highest level (Silver) of this scheme.

As far as we know, we are the only practice in the area to have these two Awards, so I am really proud of the Team for achieving this!

..which I why I haven’t posted for a while.
Things have been extremely busy at Thackeray Dental Care over the summer, and updating the blog has been somewhat overlooked.

Just to let you know what we have been doing:

I got back from a 2 week holiday in Cornwall in August to find that the waiting room had been completely transformed by Jen (the Practice Manager) and Gill (our senior receptionist) with new carpets, leather sofa’s, new decorations and furnishings. All of this with out me knowing!  To say I was speechless was an understatement, but to have team members so empowered to take on a task of this nature, and provide a solution that has left me amazed at the quality and the ambiance of the practice without having to consult me was one of the most powerful things I have ever experienced in my professional life. Unfortunately a water leak 2 weeks later resulted in the ceiling having to be replaced, but that wasnt seen as a problem, more an opportunity to improve it even further!

We decided to go for Investors in People Status, basically to see how we fared. Instead of doing all the preparation work, we elected to go straight for the assessment, working on the principle that we would then find out what areas we needed to work on. Imagine out amazement when at the end of the assessment day we were told (off the record) that we had not only reached the IIP Standard, but it looked like we had gone straight in at the Bronze level, which is extremely rare to achieve. We are still waiting for Confirmation of this, but if we do get the Bronze aware it is a fantastic result! Thanks to all the team for all their efforts and truthful responses to the assessors questions!

We have been shorlisted for ‘Team of the Year’ in the Mansfield Business Awards, and will be going to the awards ceremony tonight to see how we have fared. Hopefully we will win, but for me the team are winners anyhow, and its a privilege working with them everyday.

The practice has had record numbers of new patients recently, and has continued to grow despite all the doom and gloom in the press – remember I said I wasn’t going to participate in the recession? We are really seeing the results of all the hard work the team have put in on the customer service front in the comments that both new and existing patients are making.

So thats a bit of an update, I’ve made a resolution to blog more often so there should be a bit more activity going on here in the future!




Monte Carlo 001 (2)And here is a photo of the car Kevin Rose will be driving down to Monte Carlo in aid of the Robbie Anderson Cancer Trust

I’m pleased to be the joint main sponsor of one of the cars undertaking this fantastic event in the next few weeks or so. The driver has so far raised just short of £10,000 for this cause. I hope to have some live updates via twitter and the blog as it happens.

May 2024